Is Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division a multiplication game?
Yes, Fruit Rockets multiplication is a fun multiplication game app for kids in the 3rd grade who want to learn multiplication and division facts. It is currently available on iOS devices which include iPhone and iPad.
Is Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division for 3rd graders who want to learn multiplication facts?
Yes, Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division is 3rd grade math game and is recommended for 3rd grade students who want to learn multiplication and division facts.
Is Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division appropriate for students who are not 3rd grade students?
Yes. Although Fruit Rockets Multiplication is a math game recommended for students in the 3rd grade, many teachers and parents of 1st and 2nd grade students have downloaded our app. If a student in lower grades has strong math skills and is ready to move forward to 3rd grade math, we recommend this app for students who are not in the 3rd grade.
How do 3rd grade math games like Fruit Rockets Multiplication help students learn multiplication?
Fruit Rocket Multiplication and Division is a 3rd grade math game that teaches kids through repetition in a fun environment. The math game uses the latest learning techniques, including gamification, to ensure that students are engaged and thus learn multiplication facts. The game includes all the elements of modern video games (awards, visual and audio stimulus) to ensure that students have fun learning 3rd grade math skills, e.g. multiplication and division.
How does Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division compare to a printable multiplication table?
We recommend Fruit Rockets Multiplication be used alongside a printable multiplication table. There are numerous free printable multiplication tables on the Internet. Simply search the words ‘printable multiplication tables’ on your favorite search engine. Multiplication tables are great for teaching multiplication facts and we recommend them as part of a strong 3rd grade math regiment.
Does Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division come with free printable math worksheets?
Yes. Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division comes with free printable math worksheets here! The free worksheets include multiplication and division drilling activities.
How long should my student/child use Fruit Rockets Multiplication and Division app?
We recommend that students use Fruit Rockets Multiplication for at least 15 minutes a day. If students are unable to engage for 15 minutes, we recommend starting the student with a time they are comfortable, with the goal is getting to 15 minutes per day.
How long will it be before I start seeing results from my child playing Fruit Rockets Multiplication?
Most parents and teachers start to see students improve multiplication skills within days. Fruit Rockets Multiplication is a 3rd grade math game that teaches multiplication and division facts in a fun environment and thus students tend to spend lots of time playing the game attempting to achieve various rewards and level advances. When included with other third grade math strategies (e.g. printable multiplication chart, worksheets) you may even see results within hours of using Fruit Rockets multiplication.